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Teacher | Professor | Tutor
- Busy classrooms?
- No time for all your Students?
- Often sick Students?
- Pandemic?
Safe time and stress keep your students up to date 24/7
Prepare your lessons once
Publish your lesson on α-prendo
Earn fair online with α-prendo
Teacher | Professor | Tutor

Prepare your lessons once
- Save time and stress
- Repeat income year after year
- Update your lessons anytime

Publish with
- Set your price
- 20% Commission for α-prendo
- Offer free lessons
Withdraw funds from Paypal at an ATM with the Nequi APP
from Bancolombia. Check the Video!
Online Course Management System
α-prendo empowers dynamic eLearning, monetization,
and administration of your courses!
Intuitive Course Builder
Create engaging courses in a snap with the most impactful course builder.
Exam Creation Easy
A powerful exam creator with 10 question types, manual reviews, exam timers and so much more!
Course Prerequisites
Include course prerequisites flexibly to get the target students.
Reward your students with beautifully designed custom certificates.
Frontend Course Builder
Frontend Course Builder for Instructors. Create assignments add certificates. Add as many instructors as you wish for all your courses.
Drag & Drop Frontend Course Builder
Frontend assignment Creator
Video & Multimedia attachments
User-friendly interface
Set price tag or keep a course for free

Exam Creator
10 Question Patterns
There are 10 unique question types that make exams extremely challenging & fun for students while being easy to grade.
Set Exam Timers & Exam Attempts
Define how long students can take to complete a specific question or the entire quiz.
Exam Attempts Overview
Grade and review open-ended answers and the entire question set for each student.
Results Overview
For predefined answers, Tutor generates automated results. For answers that need reviewing, results auto-update after teachers enter it.
Advanced Exam Settings
A tonne of useful exam options such as grading method, time expiration rules, and more with Tutor advanced exam options.
Withdrawal Options
Manage withdrawals of all earnings
Define Minimum Withdraw Amount
Enable Bank Transfer
Now available in Colombia with Bancolombia
PayPal ATM Withdrawal
Now available with no bank account through – Nequi App in Colombia
Multiple Withdraw Methods
Detailed Withdrawal Status

Administration Options
Powerful Analytics
Manage students and instructor profiles directly from the admin panel.
Manage Reviews
Supervise course reviews from students to approve or delete certain reviews.
Email Notifications
Stay connected with students, teachers and customize email notifications.
Question and Answer Section
Create a dedicated platform where students can ask questions, comment and interact.
Lesson Timers
Set the time for each lesson and course duration for your students.